Simple Pricing, No Surprises

JurisX offers a simple pricing model that scales with your needs. Pay only for what you use. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Billing Units

We have a transparent pricing model that caters to your needs. Here's a list of billing units and their prices.

Billing UnitDescriptionPrice (per unit/mo)
CaseAn active case in your team.₹ 0.9
ClientA client in your team.₹ 0.6
WhatsApp MessageA WhatsApp message sent from JurisX.₹ 0.9
EmailAn email sent from JurisX.₹ 0.5
SMSAn SMS sent from JurisX.₹ 0.8
StorageStorage used by your team.₹ 0.01/MB
Precedent SearchSearch for precedents across lakhs of orders.₹ 3.00

Monthly Price Calculator

According to your needs, you will pay
